Destenee McKenzie is a new artist with a fresh new look and sound! This 19 year-old sensation is destined to mark her name in entertainment, and if you keep reading...you will find out why! I had the pleasure of interviewing her and I can say that she's very cool and a genuine beautiful girl inside & out. Her debut album "Free" will be released first quarter of 2010 with her two singles "Tomorrow" & the title track "Free" amongst other hot jams.
Interview by: Brandan
EM: Hi Destenee, how are you today?
Destenee: I'm good, it's raining out here in LA. Where are you from, how are you?
EM: I'm in Chicago, it's freezing cold.
Destenee: Land of Obama(laughs), are you mad you guys didn't get the Olympics?
EM: Nope, they had these plans to build things...but after the Olympics would've left those arenas wouldn't have been use for the city.
Destenee: Oh...
EM: So you like the Obama's?
Destenee: Yeah, I actually met Michelle(Obama) & Oprah when she did a speech here in L.A. she was really nice.
EM: That's cool. I'm glad we finally get to talk! You were knocked out the other times I called(laughs).
Destenee: (laughs) Yeah I know, with being in music it pretty much happens at night. From the studio, performances, and things like that.
EM: Yeah, so describe who Destenee is as an artist. How important is it for you to be unique?
Destenee: It's very important for me to be different & unique. I write and produce all my songs, so that's one thing. I just embrace who I am, when you go to different labels they try to tell you what you can be.
"Oh you can either sing, dance, or play piano."
Do this or that. They try to put you in a box! I sing, dance, and play instruments like the piano since I was 4 which is like the basis of all music. Once you do that you can pretty much play anything...I play the violin, saxophone, drums, bongos, chello, I've been playing the guitar for like 6 years, and I love cowbells(laughs) you can never go wrong with cowbells.(laughs)

EM: (laughs) Cowbells huh? What can we expect from your debut album "Free"?
Destenee: I'm "Free" to be myself, no conformity. My music is very crossover, with me being bi-racial I think it has alot to do with that. My mom is black...but she's from Spain., and my dad is white. So I think it creates a nice blend/result of a little bit of rock, R&B, Pop, and alot of others. I listen to different artist too like Mariah Carey, Elton John, and Whitney Houston.
EM: Will there be any collaborations on the album?
Destenee: Yes, so far I have a song with a friend of mine(J-Boy) called More That I Want You. I also have another song with a hot group called Skyline. There may be more to come though!

EM: Cool, cool. So you know alot of artist go overseas & gain more success. Are you planning on doing the same thing?
Destenee: Yeah! It's such a huge market over there, I mean it's huge here too. But it's definitely huge over there...my music has been catching on pretty good in Sweden and Spain. We're actually planning something now. We have 4 dates booked so far for two weeks. Then we plan on having a national tour going to 32 cities.
EM: Wow, 32...that's good! Who would you say is your biggest musical influence?
Destenee: Do I have to choose just one?
EM: No, as many as you like.
Destenee: Okay, well Mariah Carey, Elton John, Alicia Keys...I love all kinds of music! It's just too many to choose but those are the ones that come off the top of my head.
EM: Okay, I know you saw/heard about the Kanye & Taylor Swift ordeal. What would you have done if it was you?
Destenee: It's funny because my friend was trying to get Kanye'd as an actual word into the dictionary. Like you know, when someone interrupts a moment etc. (laughs). But if it was me, I would probably be hurt. It was her first big award and he takes that away. I also heard it was a publicity stunt or staged. But the higher you get, the more people are hating. You're constantly torn down in this business. But I have a thick skin.
EM: Are you close with your family?
Destenee: Very, very close. I have a very large family. I have two brothers on my mom's side and two little brothers and a sister on my dad's side.
EM: How do they feel about you and your music?
Destenee: They support me. My mom is my best-friend/manager. She's so cool, my friends even ditch me to hang with her sometimes(laughs).
EM: Oh wow(laughs).
Destenee: Yeah, they'll be like we're going to the movies or something like that...people tell me I have an old soul. But my mom always sang, and me, my brothers and our mom would sing karaoke. There are no musicians on either on eof my parents' sides. I taught myself everything with no force from my parents telling me to do this, or practice, and all of that.

EM: That's good. You found it on your own. So now I'm gonna ask you about your favorite things. What's your favorite movie?
Destenee: Gladiator.
EM: Color?
Destenee: Baby blue, I love beach colors!
EM: Favorite song?
Destenee: Mid-night Train To Georgia!
EM: Tv Show?
Destenee: Definitely The Simpsons...probably too much! (laughs). I have no cable...and now you have to have that little box thingy, so I just watch what would you call that basic?(laughs) tv &dvds.
EM: (Laughs). So what do you think of Marge posing for Playboy?
Destenee: I saw it, and I was surprised...then not surprised. I guess it's interesting and kinda weird. I think it's smart because people will buy it...and I hear she'll have a whole centerfold.
EM: Do you think you would ever pose for Playboy?
Destenee: I don't think so. I won't say what I will do or won't do. I don't think there's nothing wrong with Playboy. I might do it if I want to revive my career!(laughs).
EM: (Laughs).

Destenee: So how long have you been doing your blog?
EM: I've been doing this since I was in high school, I stopped...but now I'm back doing it again!
Destenee: Cool, so have you ever been to L.A.?
EM: I actually have, I went there for an audition.
Destenee: Cool, so you're an actor?
EM: Umm, not really(laughs).
Destenee: You either are or you're not. So are you an actor?
EM: Yes.
Destenee: So what do you want to do?
EM: I want to be the black Ryan Seacrest...I wanna do radio, tv, and music...even though I cant sing that good.(laughs)
Destenee: There's always alternatives. You can be in a group. You had that guy from Boyz II Men with that sexy talking voice(laughs).
EM: (Laughs). So have you ever been in a group?
Destenee: Yes I have, It's the hardest trying to be in a group! Especailly with girls...girls are very catty. They get mad when one person is singing lead more than the other and stuff like that. You don't really see that too much with guy groups.

EM: Speaking of acting, would you consider doing some of that?
Destenee: Yes, I actually already did a film called Sister Switch. It's very Disney-esque, kind of liek Freaky Friday. I play the older sister that's this big singer and end up swapping with my little 12 year old sister that I'm not so nice to.
EM: Is the movie on DVD?
Destenee: No, it's actually gonna be a theatrical release...I guess producers are just waiting for me to get bigger with my success.
EM: Cool. Well I think I have everything else I need. It was nice talking to you and good luck with everything in the future!
Destenee: Thank you, you too! And if you're ever in the L.A area...you have the number.
EM: Cool, same with you if you ever come to Chicago!

Make sure to buy Destenee's debut album Free when it comes out & for more info on her visit http://www.myspace.com/destenee or you can follow her on Twitter @ twitter.com/destenee2morrow
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