Usher's Wife Gets Violent & Gets Close With Jeezy!

By Brandan on 10/10/2009 11:07:00 AM

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First Tameka was ranting and raving about how Usher has NOT signed the papers for the divorce yet. Now she's partying up with Young Jeezy! People said she was all up on Jeezy in the party. She recently went on a tirade at Usher's mom house demanding her kids and she keyed Usher's car. Peep the details below!

According to the reports, Usher told the Johns Creek Police Department that on Sept. 10, he had a “verbal argument” with Tameka over the phone regarding weekend custody of their children.

Usher told cops that after the argument, he dropped his kids off at his mother’s house — but when he drove back to his home, Tameka showed up “demanding to take the kids.” Usher claims Tameka eventually left and he drove back to his mother’s house — but when Usher got there, Tameka showed up and began “knocking on the door” and making several phone calls to the residence.

Usher claims he and his mom ignored Tameka — and eventually called police. When cops arrived, Tameka was nowhere to be found.

The next day, Usher called police again after he noticed several scratches on his truck — Usher told cops he believed Tameka vandalized the car in retaliation for their fight just hours before.

I gotta say she is truly hurt by his song deep down, at first with her letter I thought she was taking the mature way out; but after this she is letting the drama get the best of her! Now I see why he's ready to sign those "papers" lmao.

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